Milieu Platform Zorgsector

For more sustainable healthcare

Milieu Platform Zorgsector (MPZ) asked us to develop a campaign to help healthcare organisations encourage their employees to become more sustainable in the workplace and, if possible, at home. Sharing knowledge and experience on how to easily contribute already gives healthcare professionals a lot of insight into greener care. Key player in the campaign: De Verspilpil (the Spill Pill).

With the campaign, MPZ, together with the Care Sustainability Expertise Centre and industry associations, wants to accelerate the sustainability of organisations in the care sector. If each person saves 100 kWh at home and 100 kWh at work, that ticks hard at a price of €1 per kWh. Over 175 institutions, with more than 350,000 healthcare professionals, participated in the campaign. Part of the campaign was a PR offensive that we rolled out together with BIJL PR. The campaign was adopted by Belgian healthcare institutions.