‘Dude, you look tired.’
Working in corporate practice means hard work. There is nothing wrong with that, but it only becomes problematic when you only work on one part of a business. Or because you have to out-compete your fellow trainees. Or that it becomes a competition of who gets highest fastest. Let alone that you would have to sacrifice your private life to do so. An important reason for us to show that growing in your profession should be fun and energising. That we should not outdo each other, but make each other better. And so it can just happen that your career takes off in a way that surprises not only yourself.
To tell the story from the legal profession, we used recognisable human emotions (‘But you were a year below me, weren’t you?’, ‘Dude, you look tired!’) and told the audience that working at a law firm can be very different. We did this in full-page ads in the FD, online banners on fd.nl and social media.

Video: text