Green is not a colour
KPN’s purpose is simple but ambitious: to make the Netherlands the best digital country in the world. It can only succeed with the best of people, at all levels in the organisation, from mechanics and employees in the shops and call centre to network and security specialists and data and IT professionals. Whatever they do at KPN, their work is of great significance for the advancement of people and organisations in the Netherlands.
Video: KPN. Green is not a colour
To recruit and retain those people, it was necessary to dust off KPN’s profile in the labour market. Too often, people still think of KPN as a traditional telecom company, when it has long since become much more of a tech company, with the internet at its core. That includes a different Employer Value Proposition: one that better reflects the values and needs of a new generation, but which still assumes the familiar and human character of KPN. That became ‘Personal growth in a high-tech world.’

The creative translation of the promise takes advantage of the rigorous house style overhaul KPN is undertaking at the same time, in which the colour green dominates. The motto ‘green is not a colour’ breathes a fresh contrariness and creates the space to tell what ‘green’ is: a unique mentality that determines how they interact with each other, how they help their customers move forward, how they grow in their work and as a person and how, with all that, they contribute to that great goal: making the Netherlands the best digital country in the world.
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