Onderlinge 's-Gravenhage

Het onderlinge gevoel (The onderlinge feeling)

We are Onderlinge ’s-Gravenhage. We arrange our financial future together.

Onderlinge ‘s-Gravenhage is certainly not the only life insurance company with a mutual structure, i.e. with members rather than shareholders. But it does have one of the few life insurance companies that proudly has the word ‘mutual’ in its name.

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Video Interview Roemer

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Video Interview Claudia

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Video Interview Michael

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Video Interview Janneke

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Video Interview Jan Pieter

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Video Making Off Photoshoot

So when they came to us for a brand story and communication strategy, our advice was simple: claim the ‘mutual-feeling’, but translate it into something that is relevant now, namely the sharing economy that is based less and less on large institutions and more and more on small collectives.

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Radio commercial - Mutual insurance

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Radio commercial - Profit

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Radio commercial - Contact

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Radio commercial - Family business

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Radio commercial - Changes

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Radio commercial - Getting older

Based on that, we wrote the brand story and a series of radio commercials. To make the mutual feeling also visual, we portrayed a large number of employees, participants and advisers. In this way, slowly but surely, what anno nowadays is often called a ‘community’ emerges again, but which in essence is no different from what Onderlinge ‘s-Gravenhage has been for 125 years: a community of ordinary people serving each other’s interests.