100% leven (100% living)
100% leven (100% living)
Over the course of more than 100 years, Bartiméus has grown from a school for partially sighted and blind children into a national expertise organisation for people with visual (and sometimes mental) impairments, which, in addition to education, deals with diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, housing and day care, and job guidance and support.

An organisation with so many high-level specialisms (plus a division at board level between foundation and fund) runs the risk of compartmentalisation, with the cement between the parts crumbling. To remedy this, we developed a Steering Thought that applies to the entire organisation, and translated it into a new motto: 100% leven (100% living).

In parallel (and in line with it), we designed a new corporate identity, rigorously based on accessibility for the target audience. After all, it’s not about what percentage you see. It’s about how much per cent you live.

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