Whether you could just...
PGGM is one of the largest pension administration organisations in the Netherlands. The 1500 PGGM employees play an important role in four different areas through their work. Eerder vatten we die al samen met ons concept Impact4. Indeed, they impact the old age of millions of people. Impact on the future of the pension system. Impact on the future of healthcare. And, with their investments, impact on what is allowed to grow.

With the campaign ‘Or you just…’, we are building on Impact4 It’s quite something: working with invested assets of over €228 billion. To secure the pensions of 4.3 million people. At PGGM, they just arrange it as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Hence the wink in phrases like ‘Whether you would just like to pay out 624,000 pensions.’
Videos. Radio commercials. Ads on channels such as Reddit and LinkedIn. Advertorials in the widely read newsletters of BNR and the Financieel Dagblad. All contribute to PGGM’s reputation as an employer. And all of them link to the recruitment site.

By doing so, we increase PGGM’s brand awareness. A large audience discovers who they are and what they do. And for those who also want to make such an impact, PGGM becomes interesting as an employer.

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